This is a unique service in which Rob writes and performs the poem over the course of the conference or
The poem will summarise the themes and points discussed as well as any ideas for the future in a way
that is entertaining and succinct.
Clients include The Arts Council, The Department of Health, The Food Standards Agency, various NHS
Trusts, The Social Care Institute for Excellence, Care Services Improvement Partnership, Managers in
Partnership, Big Difference Company, and The East Midlands Participatory Arts Forum.
"You were fantastic! You generated a tremendous positive energy on the day... all the feedback we had
about you was extremely positive - you were a real inspiration as usual!"
R Griffiths, Joint Network Coordinator, Social Perspectives Network
"Thank you so much for supporting the conference and the wonderful poem, it really has captured the
essence of the day. You were mentioned positively in many of the evaluations."
Senior Nurse, Older People and Dementia, University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust
"You were great and very entertaining! The evaluation forms have been very positive about you."
S Hassell, Events and Network Development Manager, Directorate of Public Health East Midlands
"Thanks for your wonderful contribution to our event. We've nearly recovered now!"
J Grant, Head of Communications, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust